Friday, September 17, 2010

Getting ready For Fall & Camera Tip.

Here in Oregon the leaves are already turning colors. Soon they will be dropping to the ground, giving us photographers are natural backdrop. If you want a more intense foliage or to make those leaves pop, I recommend getting a warming filter. Or turn the warming filter on in your camera settings. This will give your leaves a more intense orange or red.
Here Is a fantastic LO by The Miss Talented Wendi. Dont you just love her layering of paper. Dylon makes the best little subject with his contagious smile. Tomorrow Im heading over to Wendi's for another Fun Filled day of scrapn and card making with the gals. Oh Sweet Relief! I hope you all enjoy your Friday, and here's to a Great Weekend!
All our Love
Meriah and Wendi


Denise G said...

I'm in Oregon too. I love fall leave pictures with my kids too. We have some favorite spots in the middle of no where we love to go. Thanks for the reminder to take some fall pictures.

Scrappy Mel said...

Wendi - He IS Mr. Cute Stuff, what a sweetie pie!!

It looks beautiful there - here in the Phoenix, AZ area it was 110 degrees today. YUCK!!

Soak up some of that beautiful weather for us. :)

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